The Power of 36

I was sitting in an airport once — who knows where — talking with a man about Grace House and our plans for and commitment to our girls. He looked at me and asked, “Do you really think you can make a difference in India with 40 girls?” referring to the 40 beds on campus. I shared with him my kernel of corn theory: If you sow one kernel, you don’t reap one kernel but, rather, an entire stalk with many ears — bearing even more kernels.


He clearly thought I was crazy.


I’ve been thinking about that a lot lately. I hear our girls talk about wanting to be police officers, teachers, doctors, and pastors. They want to go back into their communities and serve.  They want to pass on what they have been given and share it with other girls.


I decided to do the math. What if each of our current 36 girls impacts the lives of 36 girls themselves? What does that do? Well, the gospel is shared with 1,296 other girls.  One thousand two hundred ninety-six girls are taught the value of education. They are taught the value of their bodies and given self-esteem. They are shown what a healthy marriage and family look like. They are trained to give to others just as they have received.


So, what if each of those girls impacts 36 girls herself? Well, now we are at 46,656 — and now we are talking. We are making an even more significant impact. There now is a ripple beginning in the vast sea that is India.


Now let’s look at the fourth generation, when each of those 46,656 makes a difference in the lives of 36 girls; now we are hitting some numbers: 1,679,616!  That tide is swelling; it’s coming in. Let’s be crazy and look at five generations of girls empowering girls, spreading the gospel, and loving the way Jesus loves. Now we have 60,466,176 servant-hearted girls and a tsunami of God’s love, grace, and mercy.


Let’s take that back to just one girl – with a sponsor supporting her, she alone can make a significant impact. Using the same math, she will impact 1,679,616 over five generations.


So to that man in that airport in that far-away place… Do I really believe change can happen through the lives of 36 girls? You bet I do! Do I believe God has even greater plans for these girls than I could ever ask or imagine? Absolutely! Do I think there is anything that can stand in the way of God moving through these girls to accomplish His plan? No way; this is how He has laid it out, the way He has ordained it.


I, for one, will not stand in His way. I will support these girls. I will love them unconditionally. I will make sure they receive a quality education. I will ensure they are raised in a kind and loving home.


I will walk alongside Him and watch this incredible plan of His unfold. Why don’t you join me? It’s going to be quite a ride.


– Stacey Smith

Jocelyn Pierce